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Install Pycharm .tar.gz in Your Linux Debian Machine

So today i finished a dual-boot of my windows and Linux alongside with each other. I'm going to move my development code and repository to this new OS.


pycharm - source : wikipedia

As always, I'm struggling when installing "something new". In this case, installing a package with .tar.gz in Linux is my first time, to be honest. So i found a way to install it.

  1. First, download your pycharm from official Jetbrain site
  2. Then, open your Linux terminal
  3. Enter superuser by typing

    su -

  4. Type this command to get into your download folder where pycharm located

    cd your_downloaded_pycharm

  5. After you are in the same directory with your pycharm file, type in 

    tar -xzf pycharm_package.tar.gz -C /var/opt/

  6. Step number five is extracting the file into /var/opt/ folders in your sistem. Now, get to that folder by typing 

    cd /var/opt/extracted_pycharm_package

  7. Then get inside the bin folder where the "exe" located by typing

    cd bin

  8. Now you just have to type command below to run it


  9. Begin your installation until finished.